Stewart has been a Feldenkrais practioner for 29 years and is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Trainer. For the
last 19 years she has been on the teaching staffs of numerous Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs
around the country and internationally, educating new practioners in the US, Europe, Israel, and Brazil. She has given classes, workshops and
presentations for many institutions and organizations including T.
Rowe Price Associates Inc., The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory, The Kennedy Krieger Institute, The Maryland Medical and
Chirurgical Society, The University of Wisconsin at Madison,
The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Maryland, George Mason
University, and Carroll County General Hospital. She
has taught Feldenkrais classes to medical students at the University
of Maryland Medical School.
Originally trained as a concert pianist, Aliza has a great affinity
for the needs and problems of performers. She
taught a Feldenkrais class at the Peabody Conservatory of Music and the Mannes College of Music in New York City.
For the last 12 years she has been in residence at the Yellow Barn and Marlboro
music festivals and has given special workshops at the Juilliard
school, Manhattan school of Music and the Feldenkrais Institute of New York.
Aliza also worked with students and
teachers of El Sistema, the renowned Venezuelan classical music program. In her effort to enhance
the musical education of children, she recently has given workshops for public shcool music teachers.
Aliza also applies the Method to working with children with
various challenges and often works in conjunction with physicians,
physical therapists and mental health professionals to coordinate
the care given to a client. She has a private practice and classes at The Baltimore Feldenkrais Center
and in New York City.
“Dr. Feldenkrais defined Health as the ability to realize our
avowed and unavowed dreams. Those dreams are unique to each individual,
the same way that our personal history is unique. To realize them,
we need to think independently, to find the solutions that are unique
to us instead of trying to apply ourselves to existing templates for
behavior and self-improvement. It is my vision and my experience,
that when people engage with the Feldenkrais Method, they arrive at
this place of independence. In the process they gain a healthy life,
a life that is permeated with awareness and the freedom to realize
their intentions”
– Aliza
"Aliza's intelligence and commitment make her a real master
of the
Feldenkrais method. As a classical musician, I suffered chronic pain
for several years and Aliza helped eradicate it within months. Aliza
Stewart and the Feldenkrais method changed my life."
- Heather Storeng, violist
have been profoundly affected by the expert guidance of Aliza Stewart.
She is invested in the personal experience and awareness of each individual
in a lesson. I am so inspired by this work and Aliza’s expertise
that I have begun my training to become a practitioner.”
- Liese Weber-Frutchey
Feldenkrais professional training student, dancer, teacher, choreographer